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Financial Data

Data Import - A Case Study

Caseware Working Papers is a large SaaS based platform used by accountants and auditors and has been a leader in its industry for the past 30 years. They are in the process of shifting their focus from the desktop application to the new cloud platform.


The data import in particular is a painful experience for the users who are used to the desktop method. Users complain that the import is difficult to use, too restrictive, missing key features required to verify data validity and takes too long, in fact sometimes it times out and they need to call support.

The Kickoff

As a Senior UX Designer I was responsible for all aspects of the design including user interviews, initial workflows, wireframes, the prototype, documentation and usability testing.

Problem Statement 

How might we clarify the import process, increase import methods and reduce import failure and support calls?

The Research


Target Persona
Jane Fintech

Jane Fintech is an auditor for Deloitte. Her primary responsibility is importing and mapping the data used to feed the audits for her company's clients and also analyzing that data for risks, errors, fraud and anomalies.

Jane primarily imports business financial transactions from Excel sheets but sometimes needs to be able to import from QuickBooks and other online accounting platforms. Jane’s files are often larger than 2GB and include 30,000+ records.

Woman with Patterned Shirt


Happy clients




Business goals

Market research

Fintech industry


Easy to use tools

Fast reporting

Saving time

Pain Points

Multiple tools

Wasted time

Bad data


We’ve made the following assumptions and will validate in our user interviews:

  • User can authenticate to the online platform of their choice

  • Data will be provided either in an online login or a excel sheet

  • Auditors have a specific taxonomy that matches ours

  • Data cleansing would be out of scope

  • Risk identification would be a separate project

  • One user at a time works on the import

The Interview Questions


Tell me a bit about your role

  • Focused on audit risks

  • Too many meetings

  • Import needs to be fast, accurate and secure


Walk me through a typical import

  • Not sure which button to press for my import type

  • Not sure why it failed or how to proceed when it fails

  • When it works, there's no clear path to the analytics or risks


Tell me about a time when you couldn't complete an import

  • Risks were not identified

  • Resulting reports were delayed

  • Cost the company money and client confidence


What chunks of data do you usually import

  • Monthly

  • Quarterly

  • Yearly


What data would be helpful to see

  • Summary snapshots to determine its the right data

  • A summary of all imported data

  • Tools to work with that data


We set up several brainstorming sessions with the team and using the research results, reviewed the motivations, touchpoints and emotions of the existing user journey.


Some of the project challenges we faced were:

  • Lack of stored data to be able to provide decent messaging to the user on screen

  • The variations in the import flow depending on the method

  • No way to anticipate all of the import methods our users need


User Journeys
Online Import

Choose Import Type

Based on data provided by the client

Wizard Step 1

Pain Points
Buttons too weird, no order and not sure why some are red
Choose Client

Select the client who’s data will be imported


Wizard Step 2

Pain Points
Make this searcheable, omit if only 1 client is available
Select Data Range

Select a date range, monthly, yearly etc


Wizard Step 3

Pain Points
Needs more options, more details for trial balance
View Import Sumary

View imported data and use tools to identify risks


Summary Screen

Pain Points
Tools not clear enough, more detail on data should be here

File Import

Choose Import Type

Based on data provided by the client

Wizard Step 1

Pain Points
Buttons too weird, no order and not sure why some are red
Upload CSV

Drop in

CSV file


Wizard Step 2

Pain Points
More instructions on file size and type, better error messages
Map Columns

Map columns to company taxonomy


Wizard Step 3

Pain Points
More error identification here such as duplicates
View Import Sumary

View imported data and use tools to identify risks


Summary Screen

Pain Points
Tools not clear enough, more detail on data should be here

Assumptions - validated

After our interviews and analysis we have validated our assumptions:

  • User will have the credentials to be able to log in to the platform to extract data such as QuickBooks or Xero

  • Data will be provided by the client either as above or an excel sheet or both

  • Auditors have a specific taxonomy that matches ours

  • Data cleansing would be out of scope

  • Risk identification would be a separate project

  • One user at a time works on the import

The Design

Prototype Creation

Gathering data from the analysis and research phases, I created a low-fidelity design in Figma. ​

After repeated collaboration for feedback from all stakeholders, we arrived at a hi-fidelity solution which was fleshed using our design system and its components in Figma.

Web Designer_edited.jpg

Next Steps

To complete this project the team followed these steps

  1. Usability test with users

  2. Hand off to development

  3. UX Review

  4. Release


Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

  • +50 import types

  • +1200 new licenses (revenue increase)

  • -50% support calls about import

Objectives and Key Results (OKRs)​

  • Improve Software Usability Score (SUS) by 30%

  • Identify a couple of features for further enhancement

Fists in Solidarity
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